In case you hadn’t heard, Iowa City Moms Blog’s first MOM’S NIGHT OUT is coming up in a few short days, on June 3rd! It’s being held at Kyodai Japanese Grill in North Liberty at 6:30 p.m.! The Early Bird ticket price is just $10 if you order through this Friday. On Saturday the ticket price goes up to $15, so get your ticket early!! For more information about the Mom’s Night Out, click HERE. To purchase tickets, click HERE.
At Iowa City Moms Blog it is our goal to connect local moms to our community. Part of that includes giving back to the community and to those in need! With that in mind, we are asking that along with your ticket you also bring a donation for the Food Bank at the Crisis Center of Johnson County! If you haven’t heard of the Crisis Center, here is a little information about the organization and what they do for the entire Johnson County area:
From their website:
What We Do
A crisis can be anything – problems with family or friends, lack of food, financial emergency, divorce, serious illness, roommate trouble, school-related stress, substance abuse struggles, suicidal feelings… the list is endless. Or it could be a series of small problems that together have become overwhelming.
We Can Help
When any situation has become too difficult for you to cope with alone, we can help. Everyone at The Crisis Center is passionate about treating those in crisis as valuable human beings.
The Crisis Center provides immediate support through our Crisis Intervention, Food Bank & Emergency Assistance, and Community Intervention Programs.
Our Services
- 24-Hour Crisis Line – emotional support, information, referrals by phone
- Crisis Chat – online emotional support, information and referrals
- Food Bank – weekly supplemental food
- Emergency Assistance – limited financial assistance to avoid eviction or loss of utilities
- Community Programs – support, training and services for individuals, groups and businesses
- Disaster Recovery – from natural disasters that affect the community
**For this event, Iowa City Moms Blog is collecting items specifically for the Crisis Center Food Bank. If you are interested in assisting the Crisis Center of Johnson County in any other way, you may contact the organization directly. For our event, here is a list of the TOP 10 MOST-NEEDED ITEMS for the Food Bank. Scroll down to see the entire list!
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Also, DID YOU KNOW that in addition to new items, the Crisis Center Food Bank is able to accept open packages of diapers that your child has grown out of? They can also accept opened bottles of detergent and other hygiene and cleaning products…so maybe someone in your house had an allergic reaction, but you don’t want to throw away those items. Good news: you can donate them! They also accept UNOPENED cans of formula and baby food…this is a perfect place to donate those formula samples you’re not using or baby food your child didn’t like!!
So gather up a few items, purchase your ticket, and we’ll see you at the Mom’s Night Out on June 3rd!! We can’t wait to meet you!