Giveaway: Family Four Pack to Sno Biz! {Closed}

What is summertime without shaved ice, right? Well, if you live in Iowa City, you better be headed to the place with “Shaved Ice Made Right”, and that is Sno Biz!  Located at the corner of Muscatine Ave. and 1st Ave., Sno Biz is THE place to be for your sugary, yummy flavored ice on these hot and sticky evenings!


In addition to the classic flavors (cherry, grape, blue raspberry…), Sno Biz features a LARGE variety of new and exciting flavors, including Birthday Cake and what they like to call “Butterbeer”.  If you haven’t visited Sno Biz yet this summer (or even if you’re there every night), today is your lucky day! We have a family four pack of FREE shaved ice from Sno Biz, and it could be YOURS!  To ensure your best chances to win, be sure to do ALL of the following (which gets your name entered three times!):

1. Comment on this blog post.

2. “Like” Sno Biz on Facebook (click here) …and be sure to comment and tell us that you liked their page!

3. Re-tweet this on your own Twitter:  “@ICMomsBlog is giving away a Family 4 Pack to #SnoBizIowaCity! To enter, click here: “…and then comment here to tell us that you re-tweeted!

We will announce the winner of this giveaway on Friday afternoon.  Please be sure to enter all three ways, and comment to tell us that you did so.  You have until noon on Friday to enter!  Good luck!

Iowa City Moms Blog
At Iowa City Moms Blog we’re a group of local moms who are passionate about connecting other moms to one another and to our community! Whether you’re an experienced mom, a newbie, expecting, or aspiring to be a mom someday, this blog is for you! Join us as we navigate this journey that is motherhood in the Iowa City area!


  1. We have been thinking of heading there all summer long, but haven’t made it yet. They need one on the west side of town. 🙂

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