I turned 30 this month. 3-0. I am no longer a twenty-something. Society dictates that I should probably feel apprehensive about this, but I don’t. I love it!
When I was seven years old, I distinctly remember wanting to be 16. It seemed so grown up. At 16, you can wear makeup, you go to high school, you can drive, you can go on dates. All the things my 7-year-old self was impressed with about “adulthood.” When I finally turned 16, I wanted to be 21. I wanted to go to college and move out of my parents’ house and be on my own. When I turned 21, I wanted to be 25. It seemed young enough to still be carefree, but I hoped that I would have found someone to start sharing life with, whatever that would happen to look like.
I was always chasing the future, never quite content with where I was.
Things are much different now.
My twenties were amazing, and I’m glad I experienced them. I had all the obligatory fun of someone young and responsibility-free, I was exposed to new perspectives that I hadn’t considered before, and I learned a lot about who I am – and who I’m not. I poured a ton of time and money into school so that I could start building a career. I also got married and supported my husband as he worked to begin his career. Eventually, we started our family and will (probably) complete it when our next child is born this winter. The twenties are an essential time of exploration, independence, and new beginnings, and they can be a lot of fun, too. Even so, I am ready to bid them a fond farewell.
At 30, I am finally content with where I am.

I know myself much better now. I know what I believe in and what I think is important (and what I don’t). I don’t care as much about what other people think, and I’m more comfortable in my own skin. I am happy to be in this place – sharing my life with people I love, finally beginning a career I worked hard towards, and watching my children grow. For many people, we spend our twenties working on building the life we envision for ourselves. Now I’m looking forward to living it.
My body may not be as toned as it once was, but that’s okay, because my babies grew in there. My face may be starting to show a few lines, but that’s okay, because they mark the years I’ve lived and laughed and felt emotion. I may not be partying the nights away anymore, but that’s okay, because I spend them next to the love of my life, watching over little miracles of flesh and blood that we made together.
So, adiós, twenties. You are a really important part of life, but it’s time for you to go. I would say, “It’s not you, it’s me,” but the truth is that I’ve found somebody else. I think the thirties and I are really going to hit it off (and I hear the forties are even better). Bring on the birthdays!
What about you, mamas? What phase of life are you glad to be done with? What do you love about getting older, and which age has been your favorite so far? Tell us in the comments!
You said it perfectly, Kristin! I am also turning 30 this Fall and I couldn’t be more content and happy with where I am 🙂
It’s great, isn’t it! I’m looking forward to the 30s…and beyond!