10:00 p.m. The last of the kiddos is in bed. I’ve got Netflix turned on and my computer in my lap…ready to do some work.
10:10 p.m. “Waaaaah!” Baby is awake.
11:00 p.m. Baby’s been fed and rocked. I *think* it’s safe to lay him in his crib. He doesn’t cry when I lay him down so I s-l-o-w-l-y creep out of his room.
11:10 p.m. My eyes are drooping…the to-do-list is going to have to wait. I get ready for bed and quietly lay down. My head hits the pillow.
11:12 p.m. “Waaaaah!” Baby is awake. Hurry and pick him up before he wakes anyone else.
1:30 a.m. We’ve walked. We’ve rocked. We’ve dozed in the chair. I’m half awake so I put him in his crib and s-l-o-w-l-y creep out of his room and head for bed.
3:30 a.m. “Waaaaaaaah!!” Seriously?! Baby is awake. Start a new episode on Netflix. Feed. Walk. Rock. Doze.
5:00 a.m. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. My almost-2-year-old comes out. Send him in with Daddy. Divide and conquer.
5:30 a.m. Lay baby in bed and s-l-o-w-l-y creep out of the room. Avoid having the toddler see me and head for the couch. The burning question: do I try to sleep for an hour before everyone else is up or tackle the to-do list? Set a reminder on my phone to get.more.coffee.
Repeat. Day. After Day. After Day.
There’s something nobody tells you about when you’re pregnant and filled with bliss at the thought of holding your precious bundle of joy: the parenting initiation ritual (AKA hazing) that comes with having a teething baby. Or a cluster-feeder. Or a sick child. Or a sick husband. 😉
Are you in the trenches, mama?
Are you up all night with a baby and trying to make it through the day at work or at home with your other littles?
Are you handling double duty while your significant other is working long hours?
Are you the one working long hours and trying to juggle being responsible at work, at home, as a parent, as a spouse?
Are you a single parent just trying to handle it all?!
I feel you. I’m in month 2 of what I like to call the “surviving on 3 hours of sleep nightly” stage. And I don’t know about you, but I’m in need of a break. A chance to get out of the house and spend some time with other women who can relate to my reality. Maybe have the opportunity to ask a few experts how to handle my teething baby and hear their suggestions on how we can both get some more sleep. Get a much-needed massage. And spend a few hours recharging so I can face the days with a little more joy.
If that sounds like something you need too, I encourage you to join us for Iowa City Moms Blog’s Moms Morning Out on August 29th at South Slope Community Center in North Liberty. Presented by ICMB, South Slope, and The Family Dental Center, this event is especially for moms who are expecting or have children ages newborn through elementary school.
We will have a panel of physicians and wellness experts on hand who will be presenting a panel discussion and answering YOUR questions…so bring your questions along! The panel includes experts on the following: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Midwifery, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Pediatric hospitalization, Pediatric Dentistry, Mental Health, and Pediatric Chiropractic.
After the panel discussion, get ready to browse some booths featuring information about local parenting resources and shop some amazing local vendors featuring items for both you and your child(ren)!
The event will also feature chair massages, refreshments, amazing raffle prizes, AND everyone will go home with a swag bag!
We’d love to see you there!! If you’re ready to join me for a morning full of great information and lots of fun, get your tickets here:
*Tickets are non-refundable.
*Get more information about the event HERE.