Fall is officially here and what better way to spend it other than attending some fun local events! Here are my top picks!
Saturday, October 3rd
Motherhood Matters Postpartum Expo 10am-4pm. Motherly TLC presents our area’s first postpartum & beyond expo! You’ve had a baby, now what? Join us for 16 speakers, 40 exhibitors, and plenty of prizes! There will be a mix of fun and educational resources for local families with children of all ages. Great for expecting parents, too! We WILL have child care available! The first 100 attendees will receive swag bags. We’ll also have snacks and some fabulous giveaways! Please bring a nonperishable food donation for the Crisis Center as an “entry fee.” Don’t miss this FREE community event! Event is taking place at the Holiday Inn in Coralville.
Colony Pumpkin Patch Fall Festival 10-5pm. Go to Colony Pumpkin Patch in North Liberty for their annual fall festival. The fun includes a bounce house, food, hayrack rides, chainsaw carver, interactive games, corn box, barrel train, and so much more!
Northside’s Oktoberfest 10-4pm. The Northside Oktoberfest festival features a SODA FEST for the kids! Join in the fun filled day of music, activities, crafts and dozens of great sodas!! Take part in the football toss or basketball shootout with Dance Marathon, climb the rock wall, take a few rides down the big blowup slide or sign and dance with all the great performers! The Iowa Children’s Museum will also be there facilitating many different crafts and activities. Sodafest is open to all ages. $5.00 ticket includes specialty acrylic tasting soda glass and 5 soda drink tickets. Additional tickets are $.50.
Pagliai’s Pizza Kid’s Stage
11:00- 11:45 Skipperlings
12:00-1:45 Kalimbaman and the Fabulous Yahoo Drummers
2:00-2:45 Family Zumba with Fawn
3:00-4:00 Dave Panther Magic Show
Earl May Pumpkin Festival in Iowa City 10-4pm. The 2015 Early May Pumpkin Festival in Iowa City will include face painting, pumpkin decorating, chalk garden, games, and animals from Iowa City Animal Care & Adoption Center.
Oktoberfest in the Amana’s 10-4pm. Come celebrate 50 years of Oktoberfest in the Amana Colonies! Following the parade (10am), there will be special activities for kids at the Kinderplatz (11am-1pm) with games, face painting, crafts and more. Sparkles the Clown will visit the Chocolate House (12-2pm), Ox Yoke Inn will have face painting (10am-4pm) and cookies to decorate (11am-4pm), Little Red Wagon will host a visit from Superman and Wonder Woman (12pm-4pm), the Ackerman Winery will have coloring sheets that can be turned in for a free caramel and SQUAWK! The Amazing Bird Show will be playing on the main stage at the Old Creamery Theatre at 1pm. The Amana Furniture Shop will have a craft area from 1-4pm where kids can make creations out of wood scraps, glue and more. And don’t forget the live entertainment, samples, demos, and tours happening around the Colonies!
Sunday, October 4th
Golden Days at Wilson’s Apple Orchard 10-6pm. Take our trailer ride out to the orchard to pick some of your favorite “Golden” varieties including Lysgolden, Smoothee, Autumn Gold and more! We also have lots of other varieties available pre-picked or to pick as well as pies, turnovers, apple cider donuts and pumpkin donuts, apple cider slushies and fresh pressed apple cider available in gallons and half gallons! The grill is open from 11:30 am – 2:00 pm serving hamburgers, brats, hot dogs, and chicken sandwiches.