We’ve all heard it:
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
It’s also the meal most of us skip the most, and I’m no different. I’ve always struggled with eating breakfast. I don’t like milk, I don’t like the texture of yogurt or breakfast shakes, and if I take the time to actually eat breakfast, it’s usually something sweet… or bacon. I want to be someone who starts their day with a healthy breakfast, but I really struggle finding something delicious, full of texture, and exciting enough to make me actually want to take the time to eat in the morning.
Then I discovered something amazing: smoothie bowls. While I’ve made countless smoothies in the past, I almost never finish them because I get bored with the lack of texture. But smoothie bowls have endless possibilities. All you do is fill a bowl with your favorite smoothie combination and then top it with anything you can imagine. Popular additions are fruit, nuts, granola, and chia seeds.

In the summer I actually enjoy pureeing frozen fruit to create an ‘ice cream’ instead of a smoothie. You can even surprise your kids with “ice cream for breakfast!”

Share your favorite smoothie flavor combinations in the comments below and let’s inspire each other to take a little extra time for ourselves in the morning!