It took some time – healing and trying – to get pregnant again after we lost our first baby to miscarriage, but we are very lucky that it happened for us naturally. The second time around has been pretty nerve-racking, and at the same time super exciting. My pastor said it best: “There is a beautiful innocence about pregnant women that have never experienced a loss.” She nailed it. I’ve been pretty worried about every appointment but am trying my best to balance it with optimism and positivity.
We are due October 29th and calling the baby “Pumpkin”. My husband, Tom, has been amazing support throughout both of my pregnancies. From coming to appointments to making me anything I’m hungry for, he’s already an amazing daddy. I’m very lucky.

We’ve been trying to document our pregnancy as much as possible. Here’s what has stuck out the most to us, so far:
Field Notes from Pregnancy with our Rainbow Baby:
First Trimester:
- I had some spotting at 6 weeks that I had to go into the hospital for. It was quite scary. However, we got to see the baby and everything looked good! Apparently this is common for many women.
- I experienced really awful “morning” or all-day sickness. I couldn’t keep anything down and ended up losing 8lbs. My doctor put me on Uni-som, B6, and Zofran. I read a lot of scary stuff about Zofran, so kept that as a last resort. Every day I experienced these symptoms I just had to tell myself, “These are daily reminders you are creating life–what a miracle!”
- I had no energy and was always exhausted. The couch may have had my imprint in it…
Second Trimester:
- Ran out of my pills and thought I could get away with it…nope! Definitely need to stay on these pills!
- Much more energy! Finally feeling human again and to-do lists are huge–must be making up for lost time!
- Surprise! Decided with the husband that we aren’t going to find out the sex. As long as baby goes full-term and is healthy, we are very blessed.
- How am I halfway already?!? 20-week ultrasound and we got to see the baby. Everything is on track and looking great.
- 22 weeks and I’m finally starting to feel the baby!
- Nesting is in full force! I didn’t believe this was a thing, but I literally can’t cross things off my list fast enough!

I understand why women enjoy their second trimester much more. So many fun milestones and things you get to experience. Plus, your “bump” really starts to pop, so you can enjoy lots of shopping for super comfy maternity clothes!
Third Trimester:
- Is this really here already? I need to get on daycare options and start to nail down who will help take care of the baby when I go back to work!
- Registry overload… how do you know what to pick and which is best? #somanyoptions
- They weren’t kidding about feet swelling…
- Baby Brain is taking over my mind. I can’t focus on anything other than getting ice cream!
- If one more person asks me if I have two in there, I may lose it. This heat isn’t helping me either. #can’twaitforfall
We are trying to get as much done as we can before our blessing comes at the end of October. There is so much we are looking forward to before baby still comes: “babymoon” in Nashville, baby shower, child birth classes, and nailing down our names.
Seems like it will be here tomorrow…
I think you are THE cutest pregnant lady I have ever seen. Great read! Also, can I borrow your gameboy? 😉
Awe, thanks Megan! You can come over and play Gameboy anytime! I just won’t let it out of the house for fear of never getting it back. #VINTAGE
Mandy, our first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage also. But I am happy to report I have had 4 healthy kiddos since! I do remember the added worry though…I had lots of ligament stretching and it feels very similar to cramping I had…can be scary! I do believe it helped me aporeciate EVERYthing. I think even things ladies don’t normally enjoy I accepted willingly because I still had a baby in there growing so the rest didn’t really matter too much. ? Prayers for your last few weeks!
Thanks for sharing Jean! I’m so sorry to hear about your loss – also excited that you and your husband now have a great family! I agree, that after getting through a loss, even the WORST (and there’s a lot) pregnancy symptoms feel like a blessing! We are so excited to meet our little one.