If you type “Mother’s Day gift ideas” into Google Shopping, you will get a long list of the latest and greatest things that Mom “needs” this Mother’s Day. Suggestions cover all areas of the retail spectrum, from necklaces and wind chimes, to personalized knick knacks and this Mother’s Day Brunch gift basket. (Although I’m having a hard time imagining how one can order quiche for 2-day delivery and have it be safe for consumption…) There’s even an article from Forbes highlighting “Luxury Gifts for Mother’s Day” that suggests a $500 clutch purse and $1200 designer earrings. (Side note: if my husband is reading this, please DO NOT spend our next mortgage payment on earrings.)
Somehow, our commercial culture is managing to turn a holiday that was originally established to celebrate family, motherhood, and the influence of mothers in society into yet another day for sales and shopping.
But there is good news! While necklaces and knick knacks are nice, there are things that moms want even more than a Pandora bracelet. Here are 8 things that any mom would LOVE for Mother’s Day, and the best news is, they’re all FREE!
1. A break
Any mom would love one whole day that she doesn’t have to say any of the following:
“Hands out of your pants.”
“Stop pulling your sister’s hair.”
“Don’t put your penis on your brother!”
2. Sleep
Give her the gift of a leisurely morning to sleep as long as she wants. In my house, 7:30 would be awesome.
3. Peace
Specifically, dinner peace! If it were me, I would love to have my 5-year-old sit up at dinner and eat every last thing put in front of him…bonus if it is with a smile!
4. Time
30 uninterrupted minutes with her favorite book would be like heaven.
5. Homemade art
Have her children create an original art piece representing the family, using a combination of crayons, paint, markers, glue, and cotton balls, or whatever other materials you have available.
6. Sincerity
She would love to hear a sincere, “Thank you for doing the dishes, Mommy!” accompanied by a huge hug and kiss.
7. Not having to do the dishes
What’s better than being thanked for doing the dishes? Time to sit and peruse social media while watching someone else do the dishes.
8. Love
The greatest gift in the world is an unbidden, unscripted, “I love you Mommy!” with a kiss and a hug during snuggle time before bed.
All kidding aside, Mother’s Day doesn’t have to be the Hallmark, high pressure, heavily commercialized holiday that retailers have told us it is. Mom’s don’t need expensive gifts or tokens or the latest tech gadget. What I’m really looking for is confirmation–especially since I don’t always feel it–that I’m getting something right in this journey of motherhood.
To the dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, and anyone else out there helping kids get ready for Mother’s Day, if you need a quick last minute idea to help your kids show their appreciation for mom, here’s a cool (and free!) printable from “Love and Marriage Blog” that might help!