Being pregnant is such a special and short time, even though it can feel like a long time. There are so many amazing things happening that you think you’ll always remember, but they do get lost if you don’t capture them along the way. Now, maybe this is a first-time-mom thing, but I really wanted to be intentional and try to document and do special things along the way. Today, I’d like to share five ideas for ways you can remember your pregnancy.
1. Photos: Weekly, Monthly, Maternity
Progress/belly photos are fun to look at but for me, they weren’t much fun to take. I at first wanted to take weekly photos, but I was very sick for the first 18 weeks, so that quickly turned into monthly photos. Even that was hard for me to remember to do. Some moms get really into this idea with different sayings, themes, or comparisons. Any photos you can take to show progress will be fun for your little one to see and for you to compare your tummy to future children.
Another photo idea is maternity photos. I hired a professional photographer to take photos of me, my bump, and hubby at 37 weeks. I LOVE to look at these photos to remember my pregnancy. They also made great gifts for grandparents before my baby was born!

2. Make a baby blanket
Before we were even pregnant, I bought gray and white variegated yarn, knowing I wanted to crochet a baby blanket for our firstborn. I really enjoyed relaxing at night with my husband and crocheting a couple rows while we watched TV. I would get lost in my head dreaming about our baby and thinking about if it was a boy or girl, who it would become, how much our lives would change, etc. Plus, we can use the blanket and always know mommy made that with love just for her! If crochet isn’t your thing, you can sew, quilt, knit, or even do a no-sew option.
3. Memory book
I wanted to do something with all the photos I was taking. I also wanted to remember all the little moments, like cravings and when I first felt her kick, to the big moment–my labor story. When I first found out we were pregnant, I started a book on Shutterfly and would add photos and update it about once a month. It was so much easier and less overwhelming to do it during the pregnancy. Best of all, I’ve had her baby book done and able to look at since she was two months old! You can also scrapbook where you manually write everything in and jazz up pages with stickers and photos. These make great shower gifts for new moms!

4. Pick a scent
My friend mentioned she did this for each of her four children, and I thought it was the sweetest idea. When I was pregnant the lilacs were blooming, which made me so happy. Once they were done blooming, I found some lilac candles and bought those and a lilac lotion. Smelling is often an overlooked sense, but as pregnant women, we know how much smell can affect our moods or even trigger memories. Schedule time to think about what scents you enjoy or that are seasonal to your pregnancy–pumpkin, evergreen, lilac, etc. Have fun figuring out ways you can enjoy that scent your entire pregnancy and beyond!
5. Have a shower
So many people want to share in the joy of a new baby, and showers are a fun way to do that. Hopefully, if this is your first, someone is wanting to throw a shower for you. It doesn’t have to be fancy or over the top–just a way to get some essentials and be excited about your new addition.
My shower was book themed. We asked guests to bring a book, not a card, and to write a message in it. Today, I enjoy reading books to her, including the note the giver wrote, and then telling her a little bit about the person who gave it.

Doing these things during my pregnancy not only felt more intentional, but it also gave me so much more gratitude. I’m looking forward to the day that my daughter asks me about before she was born or what I remember and I can share these things with her. Even today, I often find myself looking back at my pregnancy like it was years ago, when really it was only seven months!
I would love to hear the creative ways YOU remember your pregnancies! Leave me a comment below.