Time: Who Knows?
Date: Sometime between New Year’s Day and Spring Break
Currently . . .
This article about how screen time before bed is a horrible atrocity, while my kids have their nightly 30 minutes of screen time before bed.
Also Reading:
The end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, to make sure I was right when I told my kids the Harry Potter series had a happy ending.
The M&Ms out of the trail mix I told my son he couldn’t eat because “I said so.”
Cold tea. It was hot when I made it 30 minutes ago.
In my bedroom under my favorite faux fur blanket while trying to block out my kids’ bickering in the background. Why can’t they just get sucked into their screens like every other human in America?
The same leggings I’ve had on for the last three days. It really comes down to conserving water by not doing laundry.
Not wearing:
A bra. No one can tell when you wear your winter coat every time you’re out in public anyway.
Down the days until school starts again.
Reruns of Law and Order SVU on mute so my kids can’t hear the storylines.
The pile of dirty dishes in the sink. How is it possible that we use all.the.cups. in the house daily?
About how thankful I am for my crazy life–kids, husband, and fur babies included.