Summer is in the air.
And it doesn’t seem fair.
School is out for break.
Families are headed to the lake.
Unfortunately for you, work isn’t going to shake.
Soon your feed will fill with pics from the splash pad and pool.
You’ll see photos of kids slurping ice cream, trying to stay cool.
And your desk job will really begin to feel cruel.
There will be flares of envy, and feelings of sadness.
But remember: all mothers feel frenzy and moments of madness.
For every Instagram-worthy pic
There were certainly moments that made that Mom tic.
Keep it in mind when you’re feeling blue:
The grass always seems to have a greener hue.
Instead focus on the time you do have together,
Like evening walks during perfect weather.
Plan Saturday trips
And Sunday dips.
Make special breakfast plates,
And set lazy movie dates.
Squeeze in extra time for snuggles.
And do your best to embrace the struggles.
Your babe will love summer, whether at home or at day camp.
The endless activities will keep them amped.
But when you do have a holiday away.
Enjoy every second of every day.
Working while parenting is a fight.
You’ll keep doing your best to get it right.
Even when you don’t feel much of a break,
You and your child will appreciate the memories you’ll make.