Magic Diaper Rash Cream: The Powerful Homemade Recipe

Updated March 10, 2021

My kids were lucky to only have a diaper rash a handful of times and the standard Desitin worked just fine. However, one time my daughter got a nasty rash with some sores and redness that caused her a lot of pain. Seeing her cry, kick, and scream was not something we could tolerate, so we rushed her to the pediatrician. After a quick look, they gave us this recipe. Then, after a quick trip to the pharmacy and the first use it soothed her bottom immediately. We applied it at every diaper change and it healed in just a couple of days.

graphic: Magic Diaper Rash Creamt

Magic Diaper Rash Cream

  • Maalox
  • A&D
  • Desitin
  • Bacitracin
  • Lotrimin


Mix together 2T of Maalox with half a tube of A&D, Desitin, Bacitracin, and Lotrimin.

Use after ever diaper rash until healed!

If your little one has a rash that needs something more powerful than the standard store-bought cream, this recipe just might do the trick!  Now that I am expecting baby no. 3 I will be stocking up on these ingredients ASAP!

By the way, ask your doctor first, just to be safe!


Megan, an Iowa native from West Branch, shares her home with husband Cody, their three kids (Charlie-8 Gwen-6 & Ben-2) and 2 dogs (Dottie- lab-basset mix & Ham-all basset). When she is not smooching on them she is trying to change lives as a social worker, taking walks around their Iowa City neighborhood or cruising in Rita her minivan looking to score deals at local thrift stores. Check our her finds on her Instagram page @megthethriftingqueen.


  1. Maalox is liquid antacid containing MAgnesium trisilicate and ALuminum hydrOXide – there should be many generic equivalent products available at any drug store (CVS, Walgreens, WalMart, Kroger, etc.. even Amazon)


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