Better Manage Your Time After School/Work in 4 Simple Steps

What is it about that time between the end of the school- and work-day and bedtime that brings out all the crazy feelings and moods? Do you ever feel like you can’t get anything done? Wish you had some simple way to focus so you can actually enjoy this time with your family? Me too! 

As a classic overthinker, I sat down one day and worked to figure out what we most needed for our health and happiness during those hours. I also really love when I can simplify into three or four words. That way my overloaded mom brain remembers things. 

Find the Four Fs below to better manage your time and begin to enjoy your afternoons and evenings. 

Time after school and work tips infographic

These were just a few of my basic ideas that we tend to do daily. What other things would you find helpful for your family? 



Dawn lives life to play! Wife to Bryan and mother of four (ages 17, 14, 12, and 8,) she finds what she most enjoys and does it. Bryan tells people she hates a blank calendar; Dawn says she loves a colorful one. With a BA in Theatre and a certificate in Performing Arts Entrepreneurship from the University of Iowa, Dawn has successfully run two business and volunteered on numerous community theatre Boards of Directors. She currently colors in her calendar with Youngevity confidence consultation appointments, Chamber Singers of Iowa City board meetings, strength training and kickboxing at NLXF-NL, managing the office at BerganKDV, and setting as many dates with friends as she can. Dawn is passionate about respect and intentional choices. She loves coffee with cream, a good wheat beer, seeing someone discover something for the first time, and listening to audio books while driving.


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