Birthday in Quarantine: 5 Ways to Still Make It Special for Your Child

Birthdays are a time for gathering, socializing, and celebrating. So many of our traditions do not fall in line with social distancing, so in this time of quarantine how can we still make it special? How do we social distance and celebrate?

A chid celebrating a birthday

I have been moved to tears many times over the last month watching my friends come up with creative ways to celebrate kid birthdays. Here is a list of my favorites!

Birthday Parade

Email, text, and Facebook message your friends and your kid’s friends and invite them to drive by your house in a birthday car parade! Be creative. Friends can decorate their cars with signs and balloons and wave from the windows. Pass along favorite songs and friends can roll down their windows and play them as they drive by. Friends can see each other on their birthday but still practice social distancing. Everyone wins. As a side note, I have been a part of several of these now and have cried at every single one. Can we keep these as a tradition when this is all over? Please?

Get Neighbors Involved

Leave chalk on your driveway and ask your neighbors to come by and leave birthday messages and decorate your driveway and sidewalk outside of your house. Ask neighbors to put up happy birthday signs and messages in their windows. Take a birthday walk to see all of the sights.

Host a Virtual Hangout

Ask family and friends to get on a Zoom or Google Hangout and sing Happy Birthday and watch while your child blows out candles. Coordinate with your child’s teacher and see if they can help gather classmates virtually to sing.


Ask friends and family to make cards and signs and have them send pictures of them holding up their well wishes. Make a slideshow out of it to show your child on their birthday. Ask friends and family to send videos and share them with your child throughout the day.

Wish Jar

Create a birthday wish jar and have your child place the number (age) they are turning in ideas in the jar that they want to do when this is all over.

I love the creativity that this unique situation has brought when it comes to celebrating birthdays! These ideas do not have to be just for children. I have been a part of several birthday parades for adults. For a generation where simply writing on someone’s timeline for their birthday has become the norm, it feels good to think outside the box and actually celebrate each other again!

Looking for other advice during the COVID-19 quarantine, check out what our contributors have had to say — from homeschooling, to coping.


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