Currently is one of my favorite ways to catch up with people and to find new-to-me things around the Iowa City area. Here are the things I’m currently doing. Pick a category (or create your own) and let us know what you’re doing!
Currently I am . . .
Dreaming about . . .
Vacationing to literally anywhere, but especially the Redwood Forest and Porcupine Hills.
Wearing . . .
Cardigans with everything (this is my fav).
Baking . . .
This double chocolate banana bread (but I cut the total amount of sugar in half, if the bananas are ripe enough, you totally can’t tell!). Also: I like to think of this as a banana bread level up. March pandemic banana bread 1.0 was this. March pandemic bread 2.0 adds lots of chocolate!
Binging . . .
Last Chance U and Kim’s Convenience on Netflix and Real World Homecoming and Survivor on Paramount+.
Pre-Ordering . . .
The book, Please Don’t Sit on My Bed in Your Outside Clothes.
Ordering . . .
Half Flavor Iced Chai with Oak Milk from Java House. And ordering ANY.THING. from Deluxe Bakery. (Did you know Deluxe offers online ordering now?)
Becoming . . .
A Plant Lady, thanks to Willow and Stock and the Shop Iowa City.
Having . . .
At-Home Movie Nights with Legit Movie Popcorn thanks to FilmScene.
Walking . . .
Through Hickory Hill Park on the regular.
Impatiently Waiting . . .
For outdoor yoga in Iowa City! (In the meantime, I’m still doing yoga virtually).
Eating . . .
La Regia almost weekly.
Suffering . . .
From seasonal allergies. How can spring be so beautiful and so cruel all at the same time?!
Hiding . . .
All the dark chocolate from my kids and husband.
Getting Veggies . . .
From two CSA’s this spring summer (You can join a local CSA, too!).
Reading . . .
Ugh, nothing right now. Please help! What are you currently reading?
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