Elizabeth Kreher
Refreshed and Relaxed: The Aftermath of our Kid-Free Vacation
You may have remembered from a previous blog post the internal debate I was having of whether we should vacation with or without our 16 month old daughter. We bit the bullet and visited...
Easy Iowa Road Trips
My husband and I are huge fans of day trips. They are convenient, relatively inexpensive, fun, and can be spontaneous. We often start with a destination in mind, but may journey off an exit...
Should We Vacation Without Kids?
My husband and I both work in education, which means we only have two opportunities to take a vacation: spring break and summer. Unfortunately, this is when the rest of the world also goes...
New Year = No Resolutions or Expectations
A new year is upon us, and it often means a fresh start for many. Are you one that makes resolutions, perhaps to lose weight, spend more time with your family, or save more...
Easy Holiday Traditions
I didn’t grow up with a large number of holiday traditions, but the ones we had as a family were solid and still hold up today. Our daughter was born a week before Thanksgiving...
Survival Guide to the First Year of Parenthood
I can’t believe that my first child will be one year old in a few short weeks. In a sense it feels like the year has gone incredibly slow, but then looking back on...
The Struggle is Real: A New Working Mom’s Perspective
I grew up with a stay at home mom. While she worked for a bit after I was born, the years that I remember she was home. She made our lunches, volunteered in our...
Big and Small, Short and Tall: Kids Come in All Sizes and That’s Okay
Big babies run in my family. My sister and brother were both close to ten pounds when they were born, and I was the “little” one at 8 pounds 10 ounces. My husband also...
Putting Sleep Issues to Rest
My husband and I both love our sleep. I’m talking "sleep eight hours at night and still take a nap on the weekend" kind of sleepers. We were fortunate when our daughter, Elin, was...
What to Do with All of Your Stuff in the Corridor
Since giving birth last November and losing almost all of my baby weight, the majority of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit me again. I say the word "fit" very loosely. Yes, they fit, but they...