To My Husband: I Notice
After two years of being part of the Iowa City Moms Blog, this will be my last post. It has been a fun (and very fast!) two years, and I truly can't believe that...
Frosting for Frosting-Haters!
Cake, frosting, and just about everything involved with those two "tasty" words are treats I avoid. I am not on a crazy diet, nor do I have food allergies. As far as I can...
Your Developing Child: Speech and Language of a Five-Year-Old
I have enjoyed compiling this series on speech and language development in young children. It is nice to think that I may be helping provide you with a bit of insight as to what...
My Message to Single Parents
I have decided to take a brief hiatus from my "speech and language development" posts to write about something that I have been thinking about again and again in recent weeks. What is this...
Your Developing Child: Speech and Language of a Four-Year-Old
At this point of this series, most of you know the drill. :) Read below to find out a bit about speech and language development in four-year-olds. For more information on what you should...
Your Developing Child: Speech and Language of a Three-Year-Old
A few weeks back, I wrote my first post in what I am considering to be a brief, hopefully helpful "series" of child speech and language development. For more information on what you should...
Your Developing Child: Speech and Language of a Two-Year-Old
As I've mentioned a time or two in previous posts, I'm a pediatric speech-language pathologist. While I am no expert in speech and language, I make judgement calls each day/week on whether or not...
The Uncanny Similarities Between Toddlers and Fur Babies
Now that my (not so much of a) baby girl is nearing two, she spends the better part of her days being cute, sassy, funny, and inquisitive...along with testing my limits. I know these...
Embracing the Unexpected
Our summer has been hectic, and it has been a rare occasion that we have been home for two whole days in a row with relatively few objectives. With weddings, bachelor/bachelorette parties, bridal showers,...
5 Minute Energy Bars Recipe (Only 3 Ingredients!)
I tend to be a person who thinks "I can make that!" or "I can cook this!" when out to eat, shopping, or simply watching TV. Sadly, I rarely follow through with these thoughts....