Holiday Bucket List: Making Christmas Magical, Fun, and Organized
Scheduling is super important in my household. My husband's work schedule varies with nights and weekends, so in order for us to get errands run and make time for family fun, date nights, and...
Make the World a Better Place
While trying not to be too political, I am deeply upset and disappointed with this election. It is clear that no matter what happened, many Americans were going to be. I have been trying...
Minimalism: How I Gave Myself More Time, Money, and a Better Life
When I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) we combined two households of stuff. After a couple years we got engaged, bought a home, got married, and had a baby. That led to...
Mama’s Journey for Balance
I talk a lot. In almost all of my school report cards there were comments about how much better I could do academically if I spent less time talking to my peers. I can drive for...
The Hardest Parts About Being a New Mom
I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in August of 2015. The first few months I was so overwhelmed by the love, lack of sleep, adrenaline, and sheer amazingness of making a HUMAN...