Attitude Adjustment: 5 Tips For Better Behavior
Have you ever had one of those days when no matter what you say, your child (conveniently) does not hear you? You could be talking as loud as your voice allows, doing hand gestures...
Have a Very Merry Birthday
It’s that time of year again...the time when the weather begins to depress you, but the multiple holidays in a row boost your morale back up to smiling. First there is Thanksgiving, Hanukah, and...
The Deepest Kind of Gratitude: A Letter to Our Child’s Birth Mother
November: the beautiful month full of life’s little pleasures. You can watch squirrels so diligently gather and hide acorns for the winter, see wild turkeys majestically strut across the empty fields, and see children’s...
Homework SOS: A Guide For Parents
I always loved school. I enjoyed school so much growing up that I made going to school my career. I teach kindergarten, and working with young children every day is one of the best...
Take a Deep Breath and Repeat After Me
Let me set the scene for you: My four-year old daughter has come along with me to run a few errands. I have prepped her before leaving the house that she must be a...
My Busy, Busy Life: Slowing Down and Stressing Less
I love summer and everything about it. I love being able to go swimming at the pool any day we want to. I love having the option to wear my jammies all day long...
Teacher Tips: Shopping for School Supplies
Every year, July rolls around and I start watching for sales at my favorite local discount stores on supplies for my classroom. Most every store that you can buy school supplies at has some...
A Pop of Color for Your Yard: DIY Summer Sun Catcher
I love being outside. I love the fresh air, the sun, and all of the colorful plants in our yard. The problem though, is that when we moved into our house, it was brand...
Turning Summer Boredom Into Enjoyment: 5 Easy Rituals to Add
Children of all ages always look forward to the end of the school year. It signifies the start of summer and a few months of just being a kid. For teachers, at least for...
Talking Down Memory Lane
You know how people say, everything old is new again? Well, at my house that is definitely the case! For a couple of years now I’ve been waiting for my daughter to be the...