Nikki Wildemuth

Nikki Wildemuth
Nikki is new to the area. She graduated from the Western Illinois University-Quad Cities Campus in 2009 with a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education. She married her husband the same year. Nikki loved the creativity of teaching and continues to bring that same creativity as a stay at home mom. During the day you can find her chasing after her precocious toddler. By night she is a Pinterest junkie! She enjoys getting out and spending time with her family!

First Pregnancy vs. Second Pregnancy

No two pregnancies are alike. I'm no stranger to that phrase. I've heard it a lot over the years, since having my first daughter. To me it always sounded like some kind of a warning....

Why My Three-Year-Old Makes Her Bed: Teaching Life Skills with Chores

A few weeks ago, as I was flipping through a parenting magazine, I stumbled across an article entitled "How To Raise A Can-Do Kid." This concept isn't lost on me; it's quite the opposite,...

Generation Gap : Old Wives’ Tales and Parenting Advice

We've all been there, either standing in the checkout lane with rounded bellies present and accounted for, or in a brightly lit aisle holding our newly minted bundles of joy in our arms. These...

A Daily Schedule and Visual Aids for “Threenagers”

These last few weeks I've spent much of my time scouring the Internet for resources to help my toddler adjust to all the changes beginning within our home. I've created several Pinterest board dedicated...

Five Quick Tips for Car Seat Safety

In the world of social media, motherhood has become a competition of sorts. There's a Facebook page for every opinion, strategy, or piece of advice. With one click of a button, I can find...

Home Improvement: A Renewed Sense of Motivation

We have been homeowners for just over a year now. This first year has been full of wonderful memories and learning experiences. One of my favorite parts is waking up to a space that...

Three Is A Tough Number

3. THREE. Three…It's a tough number. This Spring will mark my daughters 3rd birthday. As usual, I have had the theme selected for months and created a short to-do list for this intimate family affair. I really...

iPhone Photography Tips

Typically when I whip out my iPhone, I am trying to snap a quick photo of my ever-moving toddler. In the midst of all this, I do make every attempt to treat my iPhone...

Lessons From Raising A Strong-Willed Child

I have heard all the terms. Used all the terms. Everything from "strong-willed" to "spirited," and the list goes on and on. While many of those terms apply to my beautiful daughter, they don't...

A Fresh Pair of Eyes

All of the presents have been unwrapped and the boxes are waiting by the curb side. The room is no longer illuminated by the glow of Christmas tree lights. Our Elf on the Shelf...