So the Christmas classic goes, “There’s no place like home for the holidays.” But, what if home is in multiple places? Home is easy to define when we’re young. It’s family–no matter how they are related or affiliated to you–it’s where...
Christmas is my favorite time of the year. It’s the only time of the year when I can tolerate snow and cold, and I feel festive for a solid month. I want to spend my time with my friends...
We are so fortunate to live in an area with a wealth of holiday activities to enjoy with your family! So take out your calendar, grab a pen, and plan which activities you'll enjoy this year! A couple of new...
Hi. My name is Sarah, and I write a yearly Christmas letter. Please don't groan! I know all of the stereotypes of the Christmas letter:  They're either boring, dry, and uninteresting lists of the year's events that no one wants...
Iowa City abounds with great places to shop for everyone on your holiday gift list. Stop by some of our favorites this year on Small Business Saturday (November 25), or support these quality businesses year round. These local retailers...
'Tis the season for cheesy holiday movies! I love the schmaltzy predictability of sweet holiday movies where the main characters find true love and Christmas miracles happen. If you love holiday movies, too, play along with us in Iowa...
One of my favorite Christmas decorations is our large, elaborate Advent calendar. I always feel a sense of excitement as I pull it out of the box and place it on the wall. For me, it represents traditions and...
There is something so festive about bringing in a Christmas tree to decorate and liven up the living space. Dating all the way back to 16th century Germany, this tradition reminds us of the spring yet to come after...
It's that time of year again when Santa and his reindeer start making appearances all over the corridor.  We at the Iowa City Moms Blog are good friends with the big man in the red suit, and we just...
Listen. Sometimes a person just needs a feel-good movie with a pleasant soundtrack, a predictable plot, plenty of cozy holiday elements, and a happy ending.  If we put it into checklist form, does it make you feel like you're accomplishing...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide