The holiday season has arrived! This the time of year when many of us reflect and take stock of the blessings in our lives. It’s also the perfect time to remember those who are less fortunate, and the holidays...
Christmas is my favorite time of the year. It’s the only time of the year when I can tolerate snow and cold, and I feel festive for a solid month. I want to spend my time with my friends...
Would you or someone on your list love a little jewelry this Christmas? Then check out our Holiday Shopping Guide business Stella and Dot!  Our personal stylist, Aubrey, will help you find that perfect gift! We love the gorgeous...
'Tis the season when parents and everyone else with beloved children in their lives are casting about for holiday gift ideas that will be enjoyed and treasured throughout the year. Books make great gifts, but how to know what...
It’s here–the biggest shopping season of the year is now upon us. Though Christmas is not for more than 50 days, by early November we’re already thinking about what to get for our kids, friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. Many...
It may appear that Christmas tree farms are far and few in existence this holiday season, but I assure you, there will be no need to take an ax to your neighbor’s pine tree — there are many local...
If you’re anything like me, this is your absolute favorite time of year. We watch all the Christmas movies, get a real tree and make it a whole family experience, the elf makes an appearance all month long and...

Have a Very Merry Birthday

It’s that time of year again...the time when the weather begins to depress you, but the multiple holidays in a row boost your morale back up to smiling. First there is Thanksgiving, Hanukah, and Christmas. Right after that is...
Dear Self, You spent months planning the perfect Christmas full of gifts that were handmade, local, or encouraged creativity. Your daughters went to bed Christmas Eve and you carefully arranged their new easel with a handwritten note from Santa himself, children’s museum...
Welcome to the Iowa City Moms Holiday Guide 2019! We love our city, and we love the holidays, so what could be better than the combination of the two?! To make planning your holidays simple and stress-free, we’ve compiled all the...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide