“G, I’m warning you, if you stand up on that chair again you will get a timeout.”  He turns to me smiling, reveling in his accomplishment. However, upon seeing my expression he slowly sits down on his diaper-clad bottom. I...
Just because we love you, our readers, we are offering an extra special giveaway for you today!  One lucky reader will win a FREE Family Day Pass for the Iowa Children's Museum!  This day pass will allow your group...
Whenever the subject of my cancer comes up in conversation, my daughter always says that she saved my life. She says it without hesitation, just like when she states that she is hungry or thirsty.  While some people hear...
Let me introduce you to my babies: JD and Josie. Yes, they are fur-babies, but for the past four years, they have been what I have projected my motherly instincts onto. We welcomed JD (the large lab... by large,...
If you stop by my house at any point in time today, you may see any of the following:  a kid pulling out the drawers and throwing food on the floor, a kid climbing on the fireplace, a kid...
It’s my lunch hour and I’m sitting at my computer, mindlessly perusing Facebook. Photo after photo, and status update after status update are all infused with summer fun–pool time, picnics, and summer vacations. My heart aches, and I long to...
At my core, I am a perfectionist: the child who was afraid to try something until she was sure she could do it perfectly the first time, the adolescent who pretended to dislike activities in order to avoid the...

Baby Steps

Since connecting with my intended parents (IP's), we started speaking almost everyday.  We connected in February, and it's now June.  This should give you a pretty good idea on how slow this process can be. In April of 2013, the...
June 14th and 15th were very busy days for this mama-to-be. On Friday, June 14th, a few of my co-workers got together to throw Baby R his first of two showers. I share an office with one of the...
In November of 2009, we sold our first home.  We hadn’t lived there too long (just under 2 years), but after having my first son in August 2008 and finding out in October 2009 that our second was on...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!