I hate nature! There, I said it! Which makes what I am about to say next truly wonderful.
We moved into our home this past February during a huge snowstorm. Now that the snow has melted and the weather is...
When you're a new parent (or even a seasoned parent), all kinds of parenting advice bombard you from every direction. Books, relatives, and popular culture fill our minds with expectations of what our kids should be like, the belief...
New parents these days are bombarded with information about raising children. From bottles to breasts, cribs to co-sleeping, and organic homegrown to processed store-bought, the choices and guidelines are endless. My husband and I have two small children and...
Do you know how hard it is to wait for something that has a large chance of never happening? And did you know that there is actually something even more excruciating than that? There is no pain deeper then...
Today is the day!! You sent in your nominations, and with the help of our lovely contributor team we have narrowed it down to 6 finalists (which was NO easy task!!). All of the dads that you nominated are...
November: the beautiful month full of life’s little pleasures. You can watch squirrels so diligently gather and hide acorns for the winter, see wild turkeys majestically strut across the empty fields, and see children’s sweet breath as they run...
Women love pillows. I know how dangerous it is to make broad generalizations about women on a blog for women run by women. Nonetheless, I feel confident in the accuracy of this statement. Our bed, when perfectly made, holds...
Dear girls,
This month your father and I will be married 20 years. You don’t know it yet, but you have the best dad in the world. You won’t know it for a while because he’s all you have ever...
Have you ever had one of those days when no matter what you say, your child (conveniently) does not hear you? You could be talking as loud as your voice allows, doing hand gestures to express yourself, while repeating...
After two years of being part of the Iowa City Moms Blog, this will be my last post. It has been a fun (and very fast!) two years, and I truly can't believe that my little baby is now...