During dinner last week, my 7 year old asked if we would be going to grandma and grandpa's house for Thanksgiving this year. "No baby, not this year." It's the phrase I utter like a broken record. Ugh ....
There is a video from six-and-a-half years ago of my newborn kicking on a blanket. Because I can’t seem to stop talking long enough to take a video, a conversation with my brother was forever captured. Like all good Baton...
After talking to a couple friends, I realized all of us were at different places with our comfort level in picking up take-out from area restaurants. And now with things opening back up some restaurants are making a decision...
Quarantine has been all-consuming for everyone for months now. It's all we hear on the news. It's all we see posted on social media. And, rightfully so. We are in the middle of history. A global pandemic is rare for...
Birthdays are a time for gathering, socializing, and celebrating. So many of our traditions do not fall in line with social distancing, so in this time of quarantine how can we still make it special? How do we social...
I became a mother in December 2011 and we brought our daughter home from the hospital to a condo in North Liberty. We had only lived in Iowa City five months when she was born. Although it felt like...
The reality of this pandemic is seen within our own daily routines. For most parents, school closures have changed the dynamic drastically. It can be an overwhelming feeling to ensure your children keep up with their education amidst the...
Last weekend it became clear we were going to end up stuck at our house for the foreseeable future. This pandemic has become serious and it is hitting too close to home. I felt prepared with food, and household supplies,...
It's all we are hearing about. COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, has wreaked-havoc on travel plans, is closing schools, and is changing work patterns in many communities — forcing us to find indoor and home activities. You and your...
Spring break is a bit of a bust. The COVID-19 pandemic has crushed all spring break plans, and foreseeable future plans. While we all know we'll be stuck indoors for some time, here's a fun way to help pass the...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide