For three years I have been packing a cold lunch almost daily for my daughter. It’s become a hobby of mine… a bit of an obsession you might say. I have made countless themed lunches, but let’s get real...
Updated April 12, 2023 If you're moving to or building a new home, or if you're just thinking of ways to make your life in your current house easier, consider the possibilities of a "smart home". Local Iowa City area...
Three years ago we got a dog. The only reason I got this dog was for my kids. Ever since my 14 year old daughter was 3 years old she wanted a dog. Over the years she wrote reports...
I live in a multi-generational household. As in, my in-laws live with us. My husband, daughter and I live upstairs, and his parents live downstairs. My in-laws are awesome. I know, right? They have their space; we have ours....
SAHM, working moms, free-range moms, helicopter moms, granola moms, soccer moms… Society seems to be obsessed with using a few of our identifying characteristics to label us as a specific type of parent and individual, despite the fact that it...
I grew up in North Liberty. I went to Clear Creek Amana schools and was on the “rural” bus route. This was before everyone wanted to live here, before Coral Ridge Mall existed, and when Koser Cone was the...
When I was pregnant, I read all sorts of articles about coming to terms with my new, messy, journey into motherhood. Or at least, it sounded messy to someone who was a bit of a neat freak and refused...
We're big fans of Pandora in my family. The kids love their Disney and Veggie Tales stations, my husband bounces between classical and "Hipster Cocktail Party", and I have my Mumford and Sons radio station curated into a perfect...
Hoover was dreamy. We first set eyes on each other just two months before our wedding day. He was big, tall, and stronger than the others.  He stood out from the crowd. He looked at me from across the...
A Man's Man with Skills I fully expect my husband to be a man’s man. I want him to work hard all day, and cherish and protect me like I was his most prized possession. I wish for him to...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

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