Updated April 12, 2023
If you're moving to or building a new home, or if you're just thinking of ways to make your life in your current house easier, consider the possibilities of a "smart home". Local Iowa City area...
I’ll be the first to admit that I like the idea of decorating my home for each season. I have Pinterest Boards called Winter Wonderland, Happy Heart's Day, Spring Has Sprung, Fabulous Fall, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, and more,...
Check out our "Moving to Iowa City Guide" and learn everything you need to know, from buying and selling your house, to schools, grocery stores, neighborhoods, and more! Brought to you by The Bails Team at Urban Acres Real Estate.
Ok, a bit of click bait. Seriously though, you can! You can do it on your lunch break at work, or waiting to pick up your kid from school. While you wait at the doctor’s office, or sitting on...
Winter is a great time to snuggle up indoors with a stack of books and a warm mug of hot chocolate as the snow falls gently past the window (or just covers your car in a disgusting crust of...
So the Christmas classic goes, “There’s no place like home for the holidays.”
But, what if home is in multiple places?
Home is easy to define when we’re young. It’s family–no matter how they are related or affiliated to you–it’s where...
Does anyone else feel like you are NEVER done shopping for your kids’ clothes? My kids are one and three, and every time I think I am set...boom–along comes another need. With the changing seasons and kids who never...
What is it about that time between the end of the school- and work-day and bedtime that brings out all the crazy feelings and moods? Do you ever feel like you can't get anything done? Wish you had some...
Until recently, I had never painted a wall in my life. I was both completely clueless and totally intimidated. Finally, after Googling "how to paint a wall," I spent a month painting every room in my house a different...
Want to save money & have clean clothes? Try out the homemade laundry detergent I use for my family of eight!
Any questions I can answer for you? With a family of eight, we've probably been through it all!