As I've been reading all of these amazing posts for our Spread the Love series, amidst the red-and-white-and-pink madness of Valentine's Day all around us, I started to think about my marriage.  I'll admit, I see these posts on...
My husband and I didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day this year. Or last year. In fact, we never have. Do we love each other? Absolutely. Is our affection for one another heart-shaped-chocolate-candy-worthy? Sure. It’s just that we don’t usually celebrate...

For the Love of Boys

I remember the day vividly. Butterflies swarmed in my swollen belly as the ultrasound tech studied the monitor above us. All three of us (me, the hubs, and Edison) watched the little baby squiggle and wiggle inside me. “Do you...
Cinderella. Snow White. Sleeping Beauty.  If you’re like me, these were some of your favorite movies growing up.  With two girls at home who are IN LOVE with princesses, they are still watched fairly frequently in our house.  What do...
My birthday is coming up. This year will be the 3rd anniversary of my 29th birthday. Translated – I’m turning 31. Last year, celebrating the big 3-0 was a little tough to swallow. It would have been easier had I...
I announced to my fellow ICMB contributors that I would be writing my “Spread the Love” post on loving the mundane, the boring, the simple everyday things that often get ignored in favor of the more awesome. That was...
Love was in the air that day. We were decked out in fancy clothes, getting ready for a very important date. This date had been set months in advance, and we absolutely could not be late for our reservation. It...



Best Places to See Holiday Lights in the Iowa City Area

Even when the weather outside is frightful, taking a drive to see Christmas lights in the Iowa City area can be the perfect, cozy...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide

Debt Free College Planning