Who doesn't love Sunday brunch? Our family's recent routine has been to get in a little breakfast before heading to church on Sunday morning, and then come home after Sunday School and make a big meal of pancakes, eggs,...
As a kindergarten teacher, I have done countless craft and paint projects with my students as gifts for their parents that involved handprints, fingerprints, tearing paper, tracing, cutting, and so many other things. Some of them have been easy...
Being a mom is sometimes a very thankless job. Sure we get Thank Yous when we ask for them: “Here is your sippy cup-- say thank you.” Sometimes I wonder how much my children even realize how much I...
Back in my hometown, my mom is sometimes called “Saint Bonnie.” While that moniker might get the occasional laugh from her three kids, it’s more true than not. She runs a nonprofit health clinic and is one of the most...
Today is the day, everyone!  You sent in your nominations (24 of them!), and with the help of our lovely team of contributing writers, we have narrowed it down to the top 7 finalists for our Super Mom Contest! ...
Do you know an amazing mom? Someone who devotes her time and talents to her children, her friends, her family, and her community? Someone who deserves to be pampered and recognized? Maybe someone who  would never seek recognition herself,...
You know the one.  You’ve seen her at the grocery store.  She’s holding her grocery list in one hand, pushing the cart with the baby’s carseat with the other hand, and playing a guessing game with her two toddlers as...
I remember looking at jewelry catalogs at my grandma’s house when I was a little girl.  (She always had catalogs and I loved flipping through them!) The mother’s rings stand out in my mind.  (The gold birthstone ones.)  We...
I became a mother at 4 a.m., shaking in the bathroom, bare feet cold on the tile, as I read one word instead of two. I became a mother at Walmart, picking out two tiny onesies, pink and blue, for...
Today is the day, everyone!  You sent in your nominations (over 20 of them!), and with the help of our lovely team of contributing writers, we have narrowed it down to the top 7 finalists for our Super Mom...



Guide to Iowa City Area Apple Orchards and Pumpkin Patches

Get outside and enjoy all that fall has to offer by visiting Iowa City area pumpkin patches and apple orchards! Use this guide to...

Guide to Fall Family Events