2020: A Year of Reflection

2020 . . . what a year. For so many of us, this year was hard. It was a year of loss. It was a year of isolation. It was a year of uncertainty. It was a year of frustration...
2020. Woof. It's been a year. Let's take a look back (if we dare) at which articles resonated the most with our readers during what has been one of the craziest most challenging years in the last century. The following...
It seems safe to say we are all looking forward to ringing in 2021 after a disastrous 2020. While the pandemic continues to make traditional gatherings difficult, there are still a few fun ways to ring in New Years...
As with everything else in this crazy year that is 2020, holiday events – and therefore this Iowa City Area Guide to Family Holiday Activities looks a bit different this year. While there are still events that will be...
If December is the most wonderful time of the year, January has got to be the most confusing. If you celebrated the holidays, you probably shared more than a few meals with family and friends. If you like to...
As we reflect on what an interesting, challenging, unique year 2019 was, we look back at which articles resonated most with our readers this year. The following are the top ten most popular blog posts that were published in...
While the craft stores have displayed their red and green since summer and the big box stores put out evergreens and jingle bells well before Halloween, many of us are just now starting to think about the upcoming holiday...
Remember back when you made those New Year's resolutions or goals? How are you coming with those? Have they fizzled out? Are you going strong and still feeling good about them? I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions, goals,...
Allegedly, the year begins in January and ends in December. That's what our calendars tell us. But to me, the more accurate representation is that the year begins in August and ends in May, coinciding with the school calendars...
Let me tell you a little story about a friend (spoiler alert: I’m the friend). This “friend” set a New Year’s Resolution to lose the baby weight, get in shape, and eat healthy.  She thought she’d accomplish this goal by...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide