Before motherhood I totally enjoyed Pinterest-inspired projects from time to time, but now that my life is messier, busier, and basically involves me trying to create tiny pockets of time where my kids are entertained enough for me to...
Welcome to the Iowa City Moms Blog Preschool Guide 2019! Searching for the right place for your child to learn and grow can be overwhelming, but we are here to help. There are an abundance of preschools, child care...
I am a member of the Runners' Club.  You won't find me out on a trail or treadmill.  There are no exhausted but triumphant pictures of me at the finish line.  This is a different club. Look around at the...
Winter is a great time to snuggle up indoors with a stack of books and a warm mug of hot chocolate as the snow falls gently past the window (or just covers your car in a disgusting crust of...
Are you like me - do you love the holidays? I am a total sucker for Hallmark Christmas Movies, festive music on the radio, holiday lights and decorations, and basically all things red & green! We are lucky to...
Raise your hand if you think parenting is hard.  Me, too.  Raise your hand if sometimes the pressure of doing really elaborate things for the holidays gets overwhelming? I see you, Sister.  Me, too.  Now raise your hand if you’re looking for ways...
I would have loved a manual on how to raise my kids when I took them home from the hospital.  Literally, a step-by-step guide on each of them.  Since this magical manual does not exist, I had to find...
Are you worried your child isn’t ready for school? After a long summer you AND your child have to get into the school groove. Starting Preschool or Kindergarten for the first time should be a fun and new adventure! Here...
School is out for the summer. If you are like me, you are always trying to think of creative ways to keep your kids engaged all while being able to enjoy the beautiful summer weather. One of the things...
Over the last several years, there has been a dramatic push to enhance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs in schools. Public and private educators alike, along with policy makers, have created initiatives that have called for an...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide