This is the day in the life of an online middle school teacher.
Monday, November 30, 2020
5 a.m. Up for the day. I've made the rule that my kids are not allowed to come downstairs to the kitchen until 6:30...
We are one month into the school year, and the learning curve is still like a roller coaster.
For every moment when I get the hang of things, there is a moment of weakness where I mutter, "I hate you"...
My daughters attend Iowa City schools.
We chose online school for at least the first trimester.
Samantha is in eleventh grade at West High, and Piper is in eighth grade at Northwest Junior High. Or they would be, if they were...
Well, I think it’s safe to say that the 2020 school year didn’t start the way anyone would have imagined.
My daughter started kindergarten in the Iowa City Community School District (ICCSD) this year, and the first day of school...
Despite my propensity to strong emotional responses to SO many things in my life, I tend to “wait and see” during a crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis. And as a result of this crisis, the start of the...
When the pandemic forced schools to shut down last spring, we had to shift gears quickly and find a way to educate our oldest child from home. Our kitchen table quickly became schoolwork headquarters. It wasn't perfect, but like...
Summer has come to an end and now it is time to prepare for the school year.
This year might look a little different . . . and because of that six of our Iowa City Moms contributors are sharing...
As I sit here and write this piece, I am filled with so many emotions.
On any given moment, I go from being excited to sad, to frustrated to joyful.
Let me explain.
You see my second child is...
Ok, mom tribe. I have to get something off my chest, and based on some of the posts I’ve seen in local Facebook mom groups, I am going to get lit up for this unpopular opinion, but here it...
When my son started kindergarten, it felt like stepping into a new city without a map. I could read the street signs, but it was difficult to navigate a new landscape of school culture, traditions and language. I was...