Grateful Gratitude on Thanksgiving

A Season of Gratitude

With the holiday season fast approaching, I find myself getting caught up in the busyness and consumerism that so often surrounds it. My thoughts turn toward list making, shopping, scouting the best deals, creating a picture perfect home, and...
The season of giving is upon us! Now is the perfect time to give back to the community and causes that you care about. Volunteering can be a good way to connect as a family and teach your kids...
The first year after college, I couldn't afford to take days off work or to fly home. With my Real Simple magazine full of recipes in hand, I tried to mask being homesick by cooking a proper Thanksgiving meal...for...
While the craft stores have displayed their red and green since summer and the big box stores put out evergreens and jingle bells well before Halloween, many of us are just now starting to think about the upcoming holiday...
For the family that is looking for the ultimate relaxation on Thanksgiving–a cook-free, cleanup-free, traditional turkey meal–check out any of these Iowa City area restaurants that are open on Thanksgiving. Be sure to give each establishment a call to inquire...
It’s the season of giving! It’s the perfect time to get involved with a local charity that touches your heart, and maybe your kids can get involved, too. Volunteering can be a great way for your whole family to...
Are you like me - do you love the holidays? I am a total sucker for Hallmark Christmas Movies, festive music on the radio, holiday lights and decorations, and basically all things red & green! We are lucky to...
Yes, I know it's only October, but if your life is like mine, Thanksgiving and Christmas have a way of creeping up quickly! To take away a bit of the last-minute crunch, it may help to start thinking about...
Welcome to Iowa City Moms Blog's Holiday Guide 2017! We love our city, and we love the holidays, so what could be better than the combination of the two?! To make planning your holidays simple and stress-free, we’ve compiled all the...
Dear Adrienne, Thanksgiving to me is almost as big of a milestone as your upcoming first birthday. It’s the beginning of your birth story. It’s also the beginning of when I thought I might lose you. This is why I...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide