We are so fortunate to live in an area with a wealth of holiday activities to enjoy with your family! So take out your calendar, grab a pen, and plan which activities you'll enjoy this year!
A couple of new...
Dear Adrienne,
Thanksgiving to me is almost as big of a milestone as your upcoming first birthday. It’s the beginning of your birth story. It’s also the beginning of when I thought I might lose you. This is why I...
Yes, I know it's only October, but if your life is like mine, Thanksgiving and Christmas have a way of creeping up quickly! To take away a bit of the last-minute crunch, it may help to start thinking about...
Whether you typically celebrate Thanksgiving at your home or visit family and friends, it's no secret that hosting Thanksgiving dinner can be a stressful undertaking. Attempting to clean (and maintain) a house with children, prepping food, and worrying about...
Every year, as the weather turns cooler and fall turns to winter, I feel so thankful, so grateful that my family and I have our cozy warm house to come home to. We walk home from the school bus...
The holidays provide a wealth of opportunities to enjoy seasonal activities with your family! Check out these activities between now and the end of the year, and take advantage of all the Iowa City area has to offer!
*Note: Many...
The turkey has been carved, the potatoes have been eaten, and the wine has been drunk. What's left to enjoy before the dishes are stacked and all retire to the living room to collapse into a Thanksgiving food coma?
Welcome to Iowa City Moms Blog's Holiday Guide 2016!
We love our city, and we love the holidays, so what could be better than the combination of the two?! To make planning your holidays simple and stress-free, we’ve created and compiled...
In the great debate between Team Turkey and Team Sides for Thanksgiving, my allegiance lies firmly with Team Sides–in particular Team Carbs. On the one day a year when you're free to eat whatever you want and everyone expects...
The holiday season has arrived! This the time of year when many of us reflect and take stock of the blessings in our lives. It’s also the perfect time to remember those who are less fortunate, and the holidays...