Miss Kinley is 1 year old and we have officially hit toddlerhood.  Heaven, help me! It seems like kids change so quickly from being babies to being toddlers, and I wonder where the time went?  On the one hand,...
We mamas tend to feel anxious about things related to our children’s education, believing that we must enrich and enroll and engage our children’s lives from the time they are born. We sign them up for classes, haul them...
*A special thank-you to our guest blogger, Kendra Thornton, for sharing these tips with us today!* Are you planning a big trip this summer?  Are you worried about how the kids will handle the drive, activity and being away from...

Take a Puzzle Day

When I was a kid, there was a guy at our church named Poggy.  Yes, Poggy.  He was quite the character.  I will never forget one day after church he was talking to my mom, and he started telling...
It’s a conundrum all moms have to face. On the one hand, we like to shop–it’s a throwback to our years as hunters and gatherers. There’s just a deep-seated satisfaction in venturing out into the world and bringing home...
Hello, Iowa City Moms Blog Readers!! We've recently added a few things to our website and wanted to make sure you've explored all that Iowa City Moms Blog has to offer!! So we've put together a little guide to...
Decisions, decisions. We made our share of decisions pre-pregnancy:  Where should we build our new house? Where should we go on vacation? Where should we go for dinner? You know, the important stuff. Once the reality of this pregnancy set...
Well, it wouldn’t be a moms blog without a big surprise for Mother’s Day!  We are so excited to announce the “Iowa City Moms Blog Mother’s Day Guide 2013”.  This guide is a place where you can find information...
Cloth diapering is a funny adventure. It’s really not all that different from becoming a parent. You start out hoping for the best and dreading the worst. There’s always quite a bit of hesitation and fear right before you...

My Kids Suck

No really, my kids literally suck. I gave birth to a pair of suckers - one a paci lover and the other a thumbsucker. We’ve been battling my eldest’s addiction since before he popped out of the womb. In fact, during...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide