CANDY! I don't know about you, but we try to cut back on the amount of candy that our children get for holidays. However, there are special candies made for EVERY holiday! Even on the 4th of July we get candy tossed...
I love to read, and this has been true since I was a child.  I cannot really pinpoint what got me to love reading, but I am pretty sure it was my parents.  When we were kids my parents read...
The MAGIC of the holidays... what does that even mean?  Maybe you're one of those people who loves to go above and beyond when it comes to making Christmas magical. Maybe you're just trying to find easy, cheap ways to keep...
My daughter is many things: smart, frustrating, beautiful, exhausting, snarky, genuine, honest, loving… and hilarious.  The things that come out of that girl’s mouth just crack me up.  There will be times that she is being both so incredibly...
Do other moms stress as much as I do about how I can raise my little boy into a good, adult human? I don’t just want him to be a functional member of society, but rather a positive contribution...
Where are all my toddler moms?! Oh I see you...messy buns, messy floors, chasing around adorably messy little humans. I'm one of you now! I blinked my eyes and my tiny little baby is a full-blown toddler already.  She's a ball...
I don’t recall ever having plastic eggs for Easter when I was growing up. Maybe there were some filled ones in our baskets, but hunting Easter eggs was always done with real eggs. In fact, I’m sure there are...
Typically when I whip out my iPhone, I am trying to snap a quick photo of my ever-moving toddler. In the midst of all this, I do make every attempt to treat my iPhone in the same manner I...
As many of you already know, we are so lucky to live in an area that is FULL of amazing preschools for our little ones! Today we are excited to share with you a little bit more about Preucil...
My twins will turn three in March. That is the oldest that any of my children have been for potty training. My oldest was a breeze. She decided around her first birthday that she was done with diapers, and...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide