Make New Friends But Keep the Old
I am beyond lucky. I haven’t won the lottery, but I do feel like I hit the jackpot. The jackpot of friendship that is.
Most women have a circle of friends that they can turn...
Putting Some Fun (While Learning) Into Fall
Fall is just around the corner and that means it is almost time for some outdoor family fun. Fall is the perfect time to explore the outdoors and turn a family outing into an...
Calming Your Kindergarten Fears: What Your Child’s Teacher Expects
The dreaded month of August is here and at our house that means only one thing: summer is officially O-V-E-R! Our house is a two-teacher household so August is the month that we start...
Guilty or Not Guilty?
Being a mom was always on my list of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Because I became a mom slightly later in life at age 33, I had plenty of...