Tag: family

Getting Your Family Into the “Season of Giving”

It’s the season of giving! For kids, that can mean the season of receiving – getting lots and lots of new toys and games....

Holiday Traditions Old and New

If you are like me, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is your favorite time of year. I love all of the togetherness that...

Black and White and Too Much Grey: My Story of Finding...

November has many things to be thankful for (gobble, gobble), but it is also National Adoption Awareness Month. An entire month dedicated to raising...

You Carried Him Anyway

You carried a little baby inside you, a baby boy. I don’t know what went through your mind when you first found out you...

A Forever Fairytale: Our Adoption Story

As I sit here watching my daughter spin and dance in our living room while watching Rapunzel, I can’t help but ask myself, “What...

A Holiday Bucket List

Once school starts my fall/winter season pretty much goes like this . . . Then, I get to January and realize that not only am...

Never Wake a Sleeping Baby

You hear people say, "My husband saved me." Or "my wife saved me."  People usually mean it figuratively.  I've said this many times about...

Embracing the Unexpected

Our summer has been hectic, and it has been a rare occasion that we have been home for two whole days in a row...

Watermelon Soap

August is a time for firsts. The first day of kindergarten. The first day of preschool. The first time you realize your little boy isn’t so little...

How I Became A Mother: My IVF Story

I know a lot about the baby growing in my belly, but not the gender. I know he (or she) was fertilized on September...