Tag: parenting

Reality in Parenting: Mom Truths

Do you let your kids eat mac 'n cheese for lunch? Let them watch tv so you can make dinner/work/clean/nap? Is your house usually...

My Potty Resolution

Enter the New Year, full of resolutions, goals and a One Word if that’s your thing. I have a One Word, but I also...

Context Before Content: The Powerful Partnership of Parents & Teachers

During American Education Week, we celebrate all of the people who devote their lives to the education of our nation’s children. This is no simple...

5 Ways To Rid Yourself Of Halloween Candy

When I was little, I LOVED Halloween. Dressing up in fun costumes {I was Barbie…a lot}, carving pumpkins and Trick-or-Treating.  I never really ate...

Daddy Diaries: Tickle PARTY

Hello again! So, since you have last heard from me I've done a lot of "soul searching" if you will, to find out what...

365 Photo Project

Recently Sara wrote about her really busy toddler.  Well, I have one of those too!  My two year old boy has one speed...FAST!  Our...

Kids Gone Wild

I’m writing this post to the mom who wears the cute cherry two-piece suit.  I see you at the pool every time we go. ...

I’ve Been Undermined By a 6-Year-Old

 “G, I’m warning you, if you stand up on that chair again you will get a timeout.”  He turns to me smiling, reveling in his...

My Kids Suck

No really, my kids literally suck. I gave birth to a pair of suckers - one a paci lover and the other a thumbsucker. We’ve been...

Why I Love the Country Bears

In the Fall of 2009, my husband and I sold our first home in Wilton, Iowa.  Because we had yet to buy a new...