Ok, not an actual widow, but a basketball widow.
My hubs {aka the biggest non-native Hawkeye fan} has season tickets to every football and basketball game.
I don’t mind football, because I am a huge fan as well, but basketball is a different story.
Perhaps it’s the squeaking shoes or the non-stop whistle blowing or the gazillion games they play, whatever it is I’m just not feeling it. Everyone has their thing I guess, and mine is not basketball.
So, starting in November and until March madness {you know why they call it March madness. Because it drives wives mad.} I’m on my own.
Eleven years ago when we said our “I dos” I didn’t fully realize my vows to basketball season and this fandom that has permeated our lives. Initially, I was pretty annoyed by the whole thing and after we had children I was even more annoyed.
It took a couple of years, and then eventually the light bulb went off and I had an idea.
Why not make my own fun while he’s gone?
So, I took advantage of the Saturday afternoons and weeknight evening games, and planned fun things to do with the kiddos or on my own.
Most nights you can find us having pancakes at Village Inn or eating noodles downtown. Once the kids are in bed I can settle in and watch a GLEE marathon, which the hubs doesn’t like.
Afternoon games often fall during the little boy’s nap, which gives me time to write or challenge the big boy to a game of Stratego.
Now I look forward to basketball games, it gives me chance to have some one-on-one time with the kiddos and that’s priceless.
Does your husband love sports? What do you do while he’s busy watching games?
I totally know what you are talking about! Except for my husband it’s Iowa football season tickets and he likes to play golf. Golf seaon is whenever the weather gets nice. It could be March through October. That’s 8 months of weekends!!! Luckily he likes Early tee times & we can still have lunch together. I am usually pretty understanding that we have different hobbies. The Hawks schedule makes me mad though when they have multiple home games in a row. Now I’m making an effort to get myself some alone time more often too!
I’m a basketball widow my son and his dad stay in the gym he’s the head coach f they not there they are at a game it’s just me and our little girl how do you cope with it
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