Today, as you wake up to piles of laundry, work (at home and/or at the office), and never-ending to-do lists, take a moment to be thankful for the clothes in your closet, the job that you have to go to, the food that you have to feed your children, and the country that we all call home. And most importantly, be thankful for the men and women who make all of this possible.
To all of those men and women, both who have served and who are currently serving, we are grateful today and everyday for what you have done. Today we thank you for your service to our country, and for giving us the opportunity to live in a place where we feel safe, where we have the freedom to speak our minds, and where we can watch our children and grandchildren grow up and live the lives they dream of living.
Please comment if there are special veterans in your life that you would like to thank today. And remember, if you get the chance, take a moment to thank a veteran, hug a veteran, buy a veteran a cup of coffee, or all of the above. And not just today.