We are so thankful for our contributors and are excited to be adding a few great new writers to our team! Today we want to introduce you to three of them!!
Meet Mindy
Six years ago, my little family of three moved across the country from Washington State to Illinois. People told us we were crazy and I didn’t entirely disagree, but we took a leap of faith, accepted a job offer, and purchased a house during our first one-week visit to our new home. We moved to a small Midwestern town in August and experienced regular tornado sirens and ice storms for the first time. While I missed the ocean and living near a vibrant city, I discovered a real love for Midwest and quickly fell in love with our small community.
My husband, Tim, and I took another leap of faith in the summer of 2012, moving our family of five to Iowa City so he could attend law school. We loved Iowa City from our first visit and we’ve enjoyed discovering Iowa City with our three children; Ella (7), Ezra (5), and Kai (2). They especially like the Iowa Children’s Museum, the amazing library, and going out for Heyns ice cream, and discovering area parks.
In addition to being a mom of three, I am an avid blogger, writing about life, motherhood, and eco-friendly living over at The Inquisitive Mom. I love engaging in the online community and enjoy working from home doing freelance communications and social media work for small companies. I’m also able to stay connected to the Illinois community I love, writing a column for a weekly newspaper called “Your 15 Minutes.” This column was my first professional writing job and taught me that everyone has a story worth telling.
I’m that mom who strikes up a random conversation with you at the park, grocery store line, or library. I love meeting new people, hearing their stories, and making new friends. I’m excited to join the Iowa City Moms Blog team and I’m looking forward to meeting other moms in person at events and through online dialogue.
Meet Shari
My name is Shari and I am so excited to join the ICMB team of writers. I have been a huge fan of ICMB since it began. A favorite part of my day is reading the blog while I have my morning coffee!
I have a 2½ year old little man and baby boy #2 is due in February. My husband Mark and I met in college and dated for 7 years before the big “I Do’s.” We decided we both wanted to finish college before tying the knot (and no, neither of us are doctors). We celebrated our 5-year wedding anniversary this past summer. Kids were never on our radar until I was approaching my 30th birthday. Funny how you start hearing that clock ticking!
I have been a stay-at-home mommy for the past 8 months. I was finally able to convince my husband that with me at home, the house would be clean and I would cook dinner every night. (I’m sure you more experienced mommas know how well that is working out!) The house is not much cleaner and my kitchen skills are a work in progress!
Being a SAHM is the best “job” I’ve ever had. I love keeping busy with walks to the park, visiting The Iowa Children’s Museum and playing silly toddler games. When I get a little me time, I enjoy photography, loom knitting and browsing Pinterest for crafts and recipe inspiration.
Pregnancy, giving birth and learning how to raise my little man at each stage so far, has been filled with a lot of firsts. I’ve often had to step outside of my normal comfort zone. I was never one to talk about poop or breast milk! Oh how life changes! I will admit another first, this is my first time being a blogger. Wish me luck!
Meet Kate
Hi! My name is Kate Degner. My family and I moved back to Iowa City a few months ago, after having lived here as newly weds in 2003. I’m the mom to 3 kids, ages 7, 5, and 2; and 1 cat named Meow (if you lived with her, you’d understand!). I worked as a high school mathematics school teacher for 7 years, before earning my PhD at the University of Iowa in 2012. Currently, I work at the Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development.
When I’m not at work or shuttling my children, I coach the junior high cheerleading squad at South East junior high (where my husband just so happens to be the principal). I also like to cook, run, and look for free yoga apps on my iPhone!
I’m excited to be part of the writing team for the Iowa City Mom’s Blog and can’t wait to meet all of you!

Professional photos courtesy of LiteRite Photography.