All I Want For Christmas Is…….A Tonsillectomy?

suitcasesWork and school are almost done, the presents have all been wrapped, and three little suitcases are packed and ready to go.  But it’s not what you think.  Unfortunately, we are not headed off to visit faraway family, or to lie on the beach in some exotic location.  Instead, my children have packed their suitcases to spend the next 10 to 14 days with their two sets of grandparents, as well as other family members.  Because mommy {aka yours truly} is off to surgery.

As you are reading this post over your morning coffee, I will be “going under” for a tonsillectomy.  It’s been a long time coming, and after three bouts with strep throat in the last three months {read more about that here}, the doctors have finally convinced me to take the plunge and have those nasty tonsils removed.  I am very excited about the long term benefits of the procedure, considering the fact that I have suffered from sore throats and earaches my entire life.  However, the process of going into surgery {even outpatient, like this one} is no simple task for a mommy of three children under 6.  Planning babysitters, preschool drop-off/pick-up, meals, laundry, etc. is hectic on a normal week; add in the fact that there are only seven days until Christmas, and you’ve got yourself one stressed-out mama!

Due to said stress, and also the fact that I am writing this post at 10pm the night before surgery, I will keep it short and simple.  For today, all I ask is that you remember the moms in your life at this busy, stressful, supposed-to-be-joyful time of year.  Keeping up with all of the day-to-day craziness of life with small children is enough to push anyone to the brink of insanity; combine that with the wish lists, holiday baking, house cleaning, traveling, and everything else holiday related, and we all may as well check ourselves in!  Take a moment today to encourage a mommy friend; maybe instead of the usual “are you all ready for Christmas?” ask something like, “what could I do to help you feel ready?” or “maybe we could get this done together”.

And while you’re doing that, send up a few happy thoughts for my family these next couple weeks, if you don’t mind.  Since the day I decided to go through with the surgery, I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about tonsillectomies in adulthood {seriously, do not Google it!}.  I’m crossing my fingers to be the “exception”, and to be covered in kids and wrapping paper next Wednesday.  In exchange for your happy thoughts, I will be thinking of all of you fellow moms as I lay there on pain meds watching Netflix and eating ice cream.  I guess there is a chocolate silver lining after all…

Did any of you have your tonsils out as an adult?  Anyone have GOOD stories to tell?!

Sara and her husband Matt (sweethearts since they were just 16) got married in 2007, and since then have welcomed four beautiful children (Sam in 2008, Cooper in 2010, Nora in 2012, and Adam James in December 2015). A born-and-raised Iowan, Sara received both her Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (in Spanish Literature) from the University of Iowa. She's still teaching Spanish wherever and whenever she can, but her true passion is owning Iowa City Moms and building this community alongside her amazing team. Sara is also the Community Engagement Coordinator for City Mom Collective, and the owner of Cowork Collective downtown Iowa City. Common denominator in all of these jobs: community, community, community.



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