Make the Most of Summer with a Bucket List {Printable}

There are only 8 days of school left and to be honest I’m dreading it. As a working mom, summer is a big source of anxiety for me. Between finding adequate childcare and the guilt of missing summer activities, it’s enough to make me long for snow days again.

In an effort to maximize our summer fun, I’ve decided to embrace the Summer Bucket List. At first I was resistant; do I really need one more way to measure my mothering inadequacies? However, upon further reflection and spending many an August sitting in my lawn chair wondering where summer went, I decided take the plunge.

Make the Most of Summer
Ride the Fish at City Park – Check

Because this year I don’t want to miss a thing.

Make the Most of Summer 2
Feed the ducks and geese at City Park – Check

Sure, we may not get to everything on the list…it is a wish list, per se, but even if I cross off some of the items I’ll still end up WAY ahead of last year.

Below is an activity list with links. Feel free to use it as a guide for your own Summer Bucket list or just download a copy {without the links}Β  here, or a blank template to create your own.


Now, bring on summer!

What is on your Summer Bucket List?

– Our Summer Bucket List –
Ride the amusement rides and train in City Park
Feed the ducks / geese
Go out for ice cream
Take the family on a bike ride
Go fishing {Free fishing weekend is June 6-8}
Attend Summer of the Arts FREE Movie series
β€œCamp” in the backyard
Camp out at the reservoir
Dinner and swim at the pool
Take a photo with all the Herkys
Play in the fountain downtown
Have breakfast at the Farmer’s Market
Go on a cupcake crawl
Go to a water park
Go to the zoo
Paint the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk paint
Join one of the summer reading programs at the Coralville or Iowa City Public Library
Water Balloon Fight
Make Homemade Ice Cream
Make Smores
Go Bowling
Go Horseback Riding
Plan a picnic in the park
Go to the Iowa City Arts Festival

Brook {without the "e"} is a spunky faux redhead and former UI grad who has decided to call Iowa City her home for over 10 years. She met her husband on the internet, and they spend their days playing superheroes with their two boys, Edison (2007) and Grant (2010). She juggles mom life with a full-time job as a marketing consultant, competing in triathlons and writing her heart out on her personal blog She believes life is a journey, not a destination.


  1. These are awesome ideas, Brook! You’ve inspired me to make our own family bucket list for the summer. (Stealing most of your ideas, btw!) πŸ˜€

  2. Wow! I love this! This weekend is a free fishing weekend in the whole state of Iowa! You can cross that one off of your bucket list without having to buy a fishing license for everyone πŸ™‚

  3. I love the idea of a summer bucket list for families! It’s a challenge for working parents to balance work and play with kids on summer vacation. Even though we are not in Iowa, we will certainly model our bucket list after yours. You forgot one though…play with cousins/family reunion!

  4. I love your summer bucket list. This is such a great idea to fill the summer with so much fun and see so many exciting things. I am going to have to try this one on.

  5. Love your list! I am on track to mark off several of these already! Thanks so much for such great ideas to do throughout the summer. It’s so easy to forget that all of these wonderful activities are so close to home!


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