We are so excited to be expanding our Iowa City Moms Blog Contributor Team. This week we have been introducing you to our newest writers. On Monday you met Becky and Jessi, and yesterday you met Laura and Melissa. Today we are featuring Ali and Kristin!
Meet Ali
Hi! I am Ali. I am currently a stay at home mom to two sweet little boys, Boston, 4, and Nixon who is 1. I am a registered dental hygienist and have been in dentistry my whole life but have loved being a homemaker since Boston was born. I was raised in Utah until I got married and followed my hubby Josh to North Carolina where he completed Medical school at UNC in Chapel Hill. During that time I started my own blog where I loved to write and review products. That kept me busy for the remaining years in North Carolina.
We moved to Iowa in 2012 and have now been here exactly 2 years! Josh is a resident at the hospital and is in the Orthopedic Suergery residency which is a 5 year program, so we still have 3 years left in Iowa. I keep very busy at home with the 2 boys, but also enjoy dedicating a lot of my time to Iowa Medical Partners, and most recently, Iowa City Mom’s Blog! I am so excited to begin writing and blogging again as I did a few years ago.
Our family enjoys spending time together in any way shape or form! With a busy husband, time together is treasured and savored. Some of our favorite things to do together are go camping, hiking, grilling out, traveling, or pretty much anything outside that involves good weather, food, friends, and each other. Some of my personal hobbies include sewing/crafting, running, biking, baking, and gardening ( which I can thank Iowa for, we inherited a huge garden when we moved here and I never would have guessed that having a garden would be something that I would really enjoy working in!) We love Iowa, there are so many fun and beautiful parks, the apple orchard is to die for, the people are so nice, I weirdly LOVE the corn fields that go on for miles, it’s just a surprisingly amazing place to raise a family!I look forward to our next few years here and the opportunities that have been given to me by being here.
Meet Kristin
Hi! I’m Kristin, and I am a wife, a mom, a former academic psychologist, and a photography enthusiast. My family and I are brand new to Iowa City! In fact, as you’re reading this, I am probably knee-deep in boxes that need to be unpacked.
I have been married to my hilarious and very supportive husband for 4.5 years. We were college sweethearts, and together, we have moved all over the country chasing our dreams – first Texas, then New Hampshire/Vermont, Chicago, and now Iowa City, where he is beginning residency at UIHC. We also have a precocious two-year-old daughter, Charlotte. She is spunky, smart, and adorable, and she keeps me on my toes! The psychologist in me enjoys watching her grow into her own person, and I love getting to learn all about parenting, child development, and motherhood.
Having lived a rather nomadic adult life, I understand the value of a good support system, like the one the Iowa City Moms Blog provides. I am so happy to count myself a member of such a supportive group of moms, and I’m looking forward to friendly new faces, family adventures, and discovering Iowa City for the first time!

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