Looking for something fun to do with your family this weekend? We’ve got you covered with our Top 5 Picks of this weekend’s activities in the Corridor.
Friday, September 26th
Family Free Friday at the Coral Ridge Mall from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Includes free admission to the ice arena (2 kids free with paid adult), free figure skating exhibition, free carousel rides, free admission to the Iowa Children’s Museum (all ages), and free kid’s meal with purchase of adult combo meal at many food court restaurants.
Ely Fall Fest, Friday and Saturday in Ely. Activities include jack-o-lantern carving, 5k and 1 Mile Moonlight Run/Walks, Kid’s Zone, Concessions, Live music, Fireworks on Saturday night, and lots more!
Family Friday Night Featuring Guy Drollinger & Gary Mortensen, 5:00-7:30 p.m. at Wilson’s Orchard. Enjoy a night at the orchard filled with fun for the whole family. Trailer rides from 5 – 7 pm. Music by Guy Drollinger and Gary Mortensen, a local duo, from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Gate fee is $5 per adult ($15 maximum per car). Dinner available for sale from the grill including hamburgers, brats, hot dogs, and seasonal sides from 5 – 7 pm.
Saturday, September 27th
Northside Oktoberfest Sodafest, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Head downtown to the Northside neighborhood for a fun filled day of music, activities, crafts and dozens of great sodas!! Take part in the football toss or basketball shootout with Dance Marathon, climb the rock wall, take a few rides down the big blowup slide or sign and dance with all the great performers! The Iowa Children’s Museum will also be there facilitating many different crafts and activities. Sodafest is open to all ages. Price: $5 for tasting glass and 5 soda tickets. Want details about Oktoberfest Brewfest for adults? Get all those details HERE.
319 Fest, 2:00-midnight at Hawkeye Downs Speedway in Cedar Rapids. 319 Fest is the largest and most diverse 1-day multi-genre art and music festival in Eastern Iowa, with over 25 visual artists and vendors and over 40 performers on multiple stages. New for 2014, a Kids Art Zone will include a variety of fun and engaging actviites for “kids” of all ages to spark the imagination and encourage creativity. There will be open art, workshops, guided make-n-take projects and special workshops all day long. Projects are designed for individuals as well as parents and guardians to enjoy with their children. Some projects may include a small material fee. Advance tickets are $15, and will increase to $20 at the gate for single admissions, or $18 for group admissions (5 or more). Children under 12 get in for free.
*Looking for something fun to do NEXT weekend? Join Iowa City Moms Blog and The Family Dental Center for Blogger Dash on October 4th at 9:00 a.m. in lower City Park. Bring the kids and come check out our Health Fair (complete with massages!), kids games and activities, FREE kid’s race (sign-up HERE for either the 1/4 mile or 1 mile race), and cheer on the runners & walkers in our 5k benefitting the UI Children’s Hospital! If you’d like to run or walk the 5k, sign up HERE. The deadline to register for the free kid’s race is October 1st.
**Looking for additional activities to do over the weekend? Be sure to check out Corridor Parents’ extensive list on their website!
Kalona Fall festival is also happening this Friday and Saturday. That’s where I’ll be Friday evening!