Last year when we visited Wilson’s Apple Orchard for the first time as a large group, we just knew that we would be back again this year! We had so much fun, and the staff at Wilson’s is so accommodating and welcoming! So, as the days got a bit cooler and the leaves started to change, we were excited to call and book a date for another ICMB Playdate.
We are happy to say that it was another BEAUTIFUL day at the Orchard, and we will definitely be making this an annual event for our readers and followers! We welcomed nearly 150 of you last Thursday, and although the group was large, it was still amazing to see all of the connections and mommy-friendships beginning to bloom at the playdate. We are always equally happy to see all of those familiar faces and the brand new ones! Thank you to ALL of you for joining us!
Once again, the highlight of the morning was taking a ride on old “Bessie” (aka, the tractor/hayride). The kids absolutely loved bouncing around on the bumpy road, going down the big hill, and of course, driving THROUGH the creek! They would have stayed on that tractor all day if we had let them! The tractor ride (in between the bumps) is also a great place for the mommies to chat, with one hand holding each child for dear life of course!
Many of the moms and kiddos got off of the tractor to explore the orchard a bit, with baskets in hand and ready to pick those delicious apples. It was so cute to watch all of them meander back up to the barn with their baskets of brightly-colored apples and their faces red from the hike back.
Of course there’s no better way to end the adventure than to come on inside the barn and have a little apple sampling, plus FREE apple turnovers for everyone! Who can resist? Other popular items (as always) seemed to be the apple cider donuts (most of them snuck away in the moms’ purses for an at-home snack), delicious ready-to-bake apple pies and the apple slushies.
All in all, we could not have asked for a better morning. The weather was absolutely perfect, all of the kiddos had a wonderful time, and again, we love the Wilson’s staff for being so patient, kind, and welcoming to our group. We were just happy they didn’t throw in the towel when they saw our ginormous caravan of minivans headed their way! Thank you so much!
As one last little treat from our day at the orchard, Wilson’s has graciously given us a FREE APPLE PIE (so delicious!) and we are excited to give it to one of YOU lucky readers! To enter, sign-in to Rafflecopter and complete the entries! You have 4 opportunities to enter! This giveaway will end tomorrow (Friday) night at 11:59 p.m. Good luck!!
This is a Sponsored Post. We were given payment or products/gifts in exchange for writing it. However, the opinions here (and the enthusiasm!) are all ours!