Three…It’s a tough number.
This Spring will mark my daughters 3rd birthday. As usual, I have had the theme selected for months and created a short to-do list for this intimate family affair. I really enjoy the prep and planning of her birthdays – seeing it all come together. Watching her sweet, little face light up at the first sight of presents and cake.
But, this year is different. This year brings a season of change. As my daughter approaches three, I see so many changes within her. She is losing the last bit of baby I once saw. The changes always seem to be sporadic and happen over a span of a few short weeks. Of course I love and embrace all of her growth, but still its hard. It’s hard to think about how these three years seemed to move so slowly at times, yet so quickly.
For me, three marks a season of change – wonder, excitement, and new beginnings.
Almost three years ago we brought home a beautiful baby girl. She had that sweet newborn smell. The one you breathe in so deeply, in hopes that you won’t forget. The days and nights seemed to mix together in a blur of happiness and pure exhaustion.
Then, somehow, seemingly overnight we went from this helpless newborn to this precocious toddler. A little girl with her own thoughts and feelings, ready to express them at any moment. Three…
As we approach her birthday, I am also faced with the reality she will no longer be mine 24/7. This summer I will spend a portion of my time filling out all the necessary forms for preschool. While I know both as an educator and mother that this is the right step for my daughter, it’s not an easy one. There are times I look at my husband and say, “I just want her with me.” It’s selfish on my part, but three is tough. I know with the big number three fast approaching, for her growth and development it’s right, but three is tough… She has been my constant sidekick.
Three is tough…
Preschool is just one form of change this birthday brings. My husband and I will need to make a decision about her faith journey. Three marks the age where she can attend Sunday School. Up to this point she has only attended traditional Sunday service. My husband and I both attended and enjoyed Sunday School as children. It certainly isn’t something we want to deprive her of. We want to continue to guide her and have her connection with God grow stronger. But would it be so terrible to wait one more year? With so many changes occurring, one less would be nice… We have a lot to consider. Three is tough.

My daughter and I have developed a rhythm over the last three years. We work together, forming our own little routine. That routine will soon change, as we are expecting our second child this summer. While I am beyond thrilled about our upcoming addition, I am also a little sad. My daughter and I will no longer have our own little routine. Some mornings she ends up in our bed and I am greeted with her little voice saying, “Cuddle Mommy.” I love our morning cuddles and chats in bed. I know there will be times I may have to forgo the cuddles for feedings and diaper changes.
Three is tough…
Three is tough, yet beautiful. Our daughter is changing. Our family is changing. Three is tough – for me… As with all her other milestones, I know I have to embrace the change. I have to embrace her changes, as well as our family’s. Change is hard, but good. I am reminded of the quote, “For everything there is a season.” For me, three marks a season of change – wonder, excitement, and new beginnings.
Three… Sweet, sweet three.