Let’s do a little catching up with this pandemic edition of Currently!
Currently I am . . .
Reading: You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain.
Doing: Yoga online with Muddy Feet Yoga.
Driving: to Ely at least twice a week for a midday ice cream snack at Dan and Debbie’s Creamery (I recommend the Blackberry Cheesecake!).
Eating: all the tacos (especially Estela’s Hawk Box) and all the sweet corn from Stout’s.
Watching: Jason Derulo on TikTok (I may or may not have made a Savage Love TikTok with my kids. Mom warning: watch out for a unexpected F-bombs at the end of the chorus.)
Playing: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza with my kids.
Thinking About: tie dying all the things and giving myself a haircut.
Living In: these jean shorts and this suuuuper soft t-shirt.
Following: Deluxe Bakery, CDC, Whats Gaby Cooking, and Tanks Good News on Instagram.
Making: Monster Cookie Energy Bites from All the Healthy Things.