
Stay-at-home-Momma to 3 rambunctious, but adorable kiddos, and wife to her talented husband, Gabriel, Tara spends most of her days in a hectically blessed world! Her two boys, Simeon (6) and Solomon (5), and sassy 3-year-old daughter, Surion, help keep her on her toes. She is proud to call Kalona her home and settled in quickly after moving from central Iowa a few years ago to launch a ministry in the IC area. Her family is an avid supporter of all the local “Hawks”… Go Black and Gold! She claims that exercise is not her strong suit, but continues to condition her body (mostly through running) in hopes that one day, it will come naturally to her. She enjoys being creative through crafting and DIY projects, and admits that her body is a canvas and artistic outlet with her many tattoos and piercings. Tara has a special place in her heart for “finding a good deal,” and can often be found scouring local thrift stores for all sorts of wonderful treasures! She is truly passionate about litter-removal and recycling and hopes her obsession will rub off on the munchkins so they can lead a “clean” life in their future. Lastly, and most importantly, Tara has a heart for the Lord and is thrilled to be involved with her community MOPs group. =)

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater!

Alright, maybe that title should more accurately read: Tara, Tara, Pumpkin Eater! But alas, that just doesn’t rhyme and I’m a tad OCD, okay?! Tangent – why are old nursery rhymes so creepy? Seriously,...

Falling for Fall

This week’s weather informs me that we are in the midst of fall, and I. am. LOVING. it!!! The cool, crisp air. The crunch of leaves on the street. The whir of combines in the...

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That…{An Update Post and Some...

As you know, we just celebrated our 6-month blog anniversary! YAYY!!! Super exciting!! Thank YOU readers again for all you do! It’s been such a wonderful adventure already and I’ve loved meeting you gorgeous...

Beauty Unseen

This morning, I took a moment to bask in utmost beauty. I was driving to Iowa City as the sun was just peeking its way over the hills on the horizon of the Kalona countryside....

The {Ugly} Beautiful Truth of Going Sans Make-Up and Hair!!!

Hi, this… is me.    This is probably how you’d see me at any Moms Blog event, school carnival, Sunday morning worship, a MOPs meeting, or any other “special occasion.” Hair done, make-up on, nails painted...

Snack Attack.

Calling all you seasoned Mommas...Advice needed!  My baby boy (okay, he’s my oldest of 3 munchkins, but he will still ALWAYS be my baby!) started his first full days at Kindergarten this week. And yes,...

Back To School CHAOS.

In keeping with the b-t-s (back to school) theme, I thought I’d share with you readers the joy (i.e. woes) of preparing our family for this up-coming school year. Well, in all honesty, I...

“The Force Is Strong With This One”

And that was the opening line to our invites.  Thrown a Star Wars baby shower, have we. Yes, hmmm. (in Yoda-speak) In a galaxy NOT so far away, my awesome brother-in-law and his beautifully pregnant wife...

Blended Beauties: 3 Delightfully Decadent Smoothie Recipes

Do you have that one kitchen gadget you just can’t live without? You know, like that oversized wok that cooks up a family-size stir-fry dinner in no time. Or maybe it’s a marble rolling...

I’ve Got The Runs!

 Did I catch your attention with that clever title? Ha! Feel free to breathe a sigh of relief because, no, this post is not about frequent trips to the ladies room, or chasing down...